Tuesday 2 February 2010

Castrol Idea Dev

I think this design works quite nicely if the image was adjusted. But I do feel it needs to be more dynamic than this to link it better with the idea of it being oil for a car.

This i feel is the main one i want to continue and develop further with photography instead of these blobs.


I feel these a looking a bit crowed and to me needs organising a bit more so the information can be read a bit better but they might work a bit better if i used photographs. Looking at the various colours i feel the gradients work better over the back of the design as without it the design i feel looks quite flat and doesn't quite have the impact it really needs. Not sure the white circles for the oil drops work even though it does keep it simple. I do feel that photographs would make what packaging is for clearer and give the consumer a better idea of what they are buying. This layout i continued with as i felt it best got across the idea of the oil flowing and having some kind of impact.

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