Tuesday 2 February 2010

Readjusting the design

Not sure on this one as the background lines don't quite fade into the background as well as I had hoped and the lines themselves almost go unnoticed as they look a bit faint, it does leave part of the design without the lines which makes it, i feel, look a bit plain .

The above one doesn't have enough contrast between the background and the type making it somewhat difficult to read.

I like this one as the background contrasts the dividing line and is clearly visible with taking any attention from the rest of the design.

Adding the background lines into this design doesn't work as i feel the styles don't sit next to each other and removes some of the simplicity from the design.
i wanted the design to simplified to help make it a bit clearer. So i reduced it down to its basic components and tried to see if it would work that way. I felt the simple design looked nice but not sure whether it would stand out on a shelf so i began by using the white line as a divider and used the side of the packaging design to show the type of oil which is being bought. I not sure whether the background image within the green part is needed.

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