Friday 4 June 2010


I believe I’ve improved from previous modules through better time management, the development of my skills and better consideration to media and print. I feel several issues I had initially proposed to improve and develop within this brief haven’t quite been as successful as I had hoped they would be.

I feel I have developed and improved my skills within photography and photo manipulation particularly through the think bike brief for the poster where I feel it doesn’t come across as being over the top, I feel photographing products has also helped in considering more how to compose the photograph particularly when photographing a large selection of objects at once.

The same brief addressed and improved my skills with utilising type in this brief and subsequent briefs which I felt at the time were skills I needed to improve as they were at times in previous briefs where not as much consideration and time was taken with the layout and type which sometimes removed some of the quality from the work.

But the quality of my mock-ups and presentation of them has improved I feel through the expansion of materials used to present them. I feel this is the most apparent within the Fortnum and Mason brief which I greatly enjoyed both the packaging and expansion through adverts and other material. I feel that looking at existing contextual material helped in choosing of not only the appropriateness of the packaging style but also the materials chosen for the packaging and other parts and layout and type used within the work.

But don’t think all my mock-ups have worked to the best of their ability as I feel the Crisis brief didn’t turn quite turn out how I’d envisioned it to with it still having to be held together with blue tack as the logo sticker tore the ink off book design. I don’t like what I have produced for this brief , however I think its more because of the execution of the idea rather than the idea itself which I still feel is quite a strong idea.

I feel aspects of my time management although I feel improved from previous modules has lacked at times with lapses in motivation through I feel poor management. This I feel hampered the amount I could have done for one of my briefs that of which is the PUMA brief which I feel I spent too much time trying to improve it than was really necessary. I think I could have produced more material for this brief if I had simply managed my time better.Through again time management I think my design context research and development suffered. I had emailed people but unfortunately few replied and when they did they were too busy to answer the questions. I hadn’t factored the time it take to produce the book and research it which is why I also feel it doesn’t best represent my design context.

I feel that to improve from this point forward I need to better consider my use of language within my designs as this I feel what is still affecting my work.  I need to take more consideration with my research and continue to improve my skills in to the future.

Monday 24 May 2010

Friday 21 May 2010


As well in store signage i started looking at how it would work across trolley handles and adverts and on the side of the trucks they use.

Think Bike Designs

I thought the think bike design could be expanded across more media so began seeing how else it could be applied.

Photos of Crisis

Think Photos